• Some articles or videos we love and want to come back to, but they eventually become difficult to find even with Google. You might remember a funny cartoon you read a few months ago and now you want to show your friend after talking about a related topic. Did you 'like' something a month ago and can't find it anymore? It's like everything become ephemeral like SnapChat messages. Instead of the articles being deleted, they just get lost in a ton of other links.
  • Some articles relate to a topic that you're very interested in, such as artificial intelligence, a specific medical research topic, your favorite sports team, or the industry in which you work. You can find the articles on specific sites, but wouldn't it be nice if all of your interests were in one place and only the articles that you read or liked appeared in a searchable list?
  • Sometimes you have a few moments when you're not doing anything so you decide to check your social news feed and you find an interesting article. You might be standing in line and then it comes your turn, you have to abandon what you were reading and hope that you don't lose what you were reading next time you open the app.
  • Some of us are news junkies, but we don't have time to read all of the articles that we're interested in. We might have time later, but where are those articles again? With Zholink, we can save these links into our Unread list.
  • Some of us just like to collect what we like, and keep it so it doesn't become a big mess.